
I’m a mom whose daughter has been battling systemic juvenile idiopathic arthtritis since 2001.  This is just a place to share what we have learned, what we are continuing to learn, and to put words to our hopes for the future.

6 Responses to About

  1. Lil says:

    Hello, I found your blog and was quite touched. I also got JIA as a child and have had it for 20 years now (I’m in my 20s). When I was first diagnosed I was in too much pain to even walk. Over time my condition improved because of medication and my ability to better understand and live with this disease. I do hope that as Caitlin gets older her condition will quiet down and allow her to enjoy everything she wishes. I have been able to complete my schooling career and even lived on my own during this time (with medication). It must be scary as a parent, but as long as Caitlin has the will, she will be able to accomplish anything 🙂 Wishing you and Caitlin lots of support, good luck and pain-free days!

  2. Hello! I found your blog through a featured post on “Our fight with Systemic Onset Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis” marking your 100th post. First, congratulations! Y’all have come a long way! Also, I wanted to know if we could feature Caitlin’s story on our website, Children Fighting Arthritis. We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness of, and funds for, juvenile arthritis. I would, of course, include a link to your blog if we could have her story on our Testimonials page. I’d really appreciate it! Congratulations again!

    • jiamom says:

      Hi Brandi!
      Thanks! That would be great….
      Thank you for your efforts! Looks like a great site….


      • Elizabeth says:

        I also have a ten year old son with systemic idiopathic juvenile arthritis. I feel so alone. I don’t know anyone else whose child has this or of any support groups nearby. I became a member of the Arthritis Foundation and visit their website often. Please let me know of any other support groups that you might know of. I would be so grateful. It is sad that so many people just don’t understand how serious or what this disease is. Thanks for any information that you can give me, Elizabeth

  3. Ashley McConnell says:

    Hi my name is Ashley. My daughter Destiny also struggled with SOJIA. I have a story I would like to share on this blog that I wrote .. called Destiny’s Journey. I hope you don’t mind. May 25th will be 5 years since I lost her, and I feel in my heart her story needs to be heard

  4. Jill Gentile says:

    My 8 year old daughter also has JIA. It has been controlled over the past four years but r currently is in a bad flare. It seems that her mess have stopped working. We put her on a low dose of steroids to see if that will help. What medication if any is your daughter on? Is she on a special diet? Any advise is appreciated. Thank you!


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